Banecroft Barony :: Members :: Tark Wolvczuk

Banecroft Barony

Members :: Tark Wolvczuk








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Tark Wolvczuk is a Teratar, a race of creatures from the land of K�yourl, that in appearance look half human, and half dragon. Their body is built like that of a human, but scales cover their skin excepting their face, throat, fingers, palms, and toes. There are four different tribes of Teratar, earth, fire, wind, and water. Tark is of the earth clan, and so has dark green scales and silver fur lining his tail.

In his past Tark�s life was thrown into turmoil when an opposing clan of Teratar, the fire clan, started a war with the rest of the Teratar. Tark, along with the rest of his clan, were pushed out of their territory and forced to live their lives out side of their homeland. Tark himself, in the company of his cousins and brother, spent the next few years tracking down a Teratar named Taikan, Tark�s spirit brother and leader of the E�bril elites, a force who had themselves leveled Tark�s village. After confronting Taikan for the first time Tark and his friends were swept aside by the E�bril elites and forced to retreat. Frustrated with defeat, Tark joined with a group of Teratar pirates from the water clan and worked on honing his skills and learning what magic he could. His second confrontation with Taikan did not go as planned, when the fire clan called upon the dark dragon god Hae�culth and their own guardian Terakan to ensure their hold on the whole Teratar land. The wind clan of the Teratar managed to summon their guardian Kay�mos to combat the evil gods, but until Tark managed to travel to the plain of the gods and convince Teral-ken himself to help against the fire clan they had little hope. Finally the evil gods summoned by the fire clan were turned away by Teral-ken and the balance of the Teratar nation was restored.

Over the years Tark lost contact with his family and friends of K�yourl, accepting his Elvin friend Killian and his brother Dahey, who he sailed with to the land of the Realms of Valehaven. Here he met up with and joined the Blue Falcon, a group of adventurers from the small region of Nardina.

To this day Tark has yet to find his Spirit brother Taikan, who escaped form him in the confusion of the clashing gods of K�yourl. Tark has very well put the idea of ever finding Taikan behind him, and puts his efforts into helping his new comrades.